Val Maira vie ferrate


The Ferrata di Camoglieres is a spectacular via ferrata located above the town of Camoglieres in the municipality of Macra in the lower Maira valley. It was recently built by the Alpine Guides of Cuneo (GlobalMountain) in modern style; it develops between high rock walls and stretches of trail with a Tibetan bridge halfway the ascent.
The Ferrata degli Alpini is an historic via ferrata built by Alpini in the late 1930s for
strategic and observation purposes within the framework of the great work of the ‘Vallo Alpino’, when it was necessary to keep the peaks and resist until death. It was subsequently renovated maintaining and preserving as much as possible the historical characteristics of the itinerary: the 2 bivouacs along the route, one of which carved out of the rock and the ladder woven by the Alpine troops to overcome the final wall. Also typical of the via ferrata are the cables with wooden olives set inside them to help progression.

Number of participants

€ 1100 for 3 persons
€ 1000 for 2 persons
€ 940 for 1 person

Activity duration
2 days / 1 nights

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