2 days Canyoning – Rio Argentina – Rio Grognardo – Triora


“sport” canyons are particularly adrenalinic and exciting, but not for this reason unsuitable for groups or families. The progression is a continuum of slides, toboggans and jumps in deep and crystalline pools. The use of the rope is also important, fun and emotions will be wasted along the way.

The Arroscia Valley and the Argentina Valley are typical valleys of the hinterland of the Western Liguria, called Brigasca lands (ancient enclave of shepherds), rich in stories, traditions and legends. After sporting activities, remember that here Ligurian cuisine gives its best, with special dishes, for connoisseurs: goat and beans, ciapazoi au bruzzu and brandacujun.

Number of participants

1 Person      € 800,00

2 Persons      € 430,00/p.

3 Persons      € 350,00/p.

4 Persons      € 295,00/p.

5 Persons      € 255,00/p.

6 Persons      € 245,00/p.

Activity duration
2 days / 1 nights

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